Cover the parking area of your condo with our Solar Canopy for Parking Lots. This gives you free solar energy to both charge your electric cars and power your home. That’s why installing solar canopies in parking lots is a smart eco-move. In fact, you produce energy close to the point of use, minimizing waste, and without using agricultural land. Solar canopy installations represent an excellent solution for all those structures with large car parks. From condos to shopping centers, from airports to universities. Especially stores can benefit from installing solar parking structures. Because everyone who parks at your facility has numerous advantages. For customers, a solar canopy guarantees shade and coolness for parked vehicles. As well as a useful charging point for all those who own an electric vehicle. For businesses, the energy generated by solar canopies translates into drastically reduced energy bills.
Why Consider a 10KW Solar Canopy for Parking Lots
Technically, solar canopies are an alternative to ground and roof mounting systems, but much more advantageous. Compared to ground mounting, solar canopies do not require an additional surface. Compared to roof mounting they are much easier to install. In fact, with rooftop solar systems, you can often run into problems installing a large enough system. Because you often don’t have an adequate roof surface that is large enough and inclined towards the sun. So if you’re concerned about using your space efficiently, consider installing a solar canopy for your parking lots. It is very easy to install and often doesn’t require a steel foundation. That is, you can place the metal structure on the ground and anchor it to the ground with special screws. So you will have no additional expenses for the installation process of your solar canopy. Therefore, the residential carport is very convenient.
What Is a Solar Canopy
Solar canopies are canopies built over parking areas with solar panels on them. So in addition to electricity they also provide shade and protection to cars. Otherwise, solar canopies are very similar to ground-mounted solar panel systems. The difference between the solar canopy and the ground mount solar panel system is the height. In fact solar carports are much higher so that there is room to park a car underneath. Like ground-mounted PV panels, solar panels on the canopy also need to be installed at the optimal angle for sunlight. Depending on the location and layout of your property, you may prefer a solar canopy with more or less slope.
The choice of how to position the solar canopy should be based on the location of your parking lot in relation to the available sunlight. If the car park faces direct sunlight and is unobstructed, then a 10 degree tilt to the south maximizes energy production. This way the canopy absorbs the maximum amount of solar energy during peak hours of the day.
10KW Solar Carport Kit Includes the Following Items
Elegant solar carport
Galvanized steel structure
Foundation scheme, support poles, cross beam tubes, mounting racks, assemblies, connectors and clamps
Solar panels: 550 W x 18 pcs.
Output Power: 10.000 W
Solar controller inverter: on/off grid hybrid solar Inverter
Stainless steel combiner box
Photovoltaic DC cables and MC4 connectors
Installation manual
Advantages of Car Parks with a Solar Canopy
First of all, a solar canopy allows you to make better use of your commercial space. Because you can build a solar canopy over your existing parking lot instead of building a brand new building. Second, a solar canopy reduces your electricity bill. Because in the central hours of the day the energy obtained from sunlight can be fed into the electricity grid. You will thus be able to power the lights, air conditioning and appliances with the energy generated by the solar carport. As well as charging electric vehicles parked under the canopy.
As a third advantage, you have cars that are always in the shade and therefore cool even on hot days. First of all, the solar canopy protects cars from direct contact with the sun’s rays and from hail. Then this shielding leaves cars cooler with significant comfort for drivers. And above all, great energy savings due to the reduced use of air conditioning. Furthermore, the presence of a solar roof also keeps the flooring underneath cooler. This favors the cooling of the surrounding environment in the evening hours. The vemento flooring, in fact, absorbs the sun’s heat on hot days and releases it into the air at sunset. a city with more sidewalks with solar canopies means a city 3 or 4 degrees cooler.
Last but not least, if you install a solar canopy for parking lots you help reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. By doing so, your condo will be at the forefront of the green revolution and you will have a better life reputation among neighbors.
Car Parks Equipped with Solar Panels Are Truly Eco-Friendly
Solar PV plants are proliferating on undeveloped land, often damaging ecosystems. But placing solar canopies on parking lots can offer a number of advantages. Using already cleared land, producing electricity close to those who need it, and even shading cars. But until recently, solar panels were generally installed on open spaces rather than in developed areas. In fact, for the vast majority we find large solar systems on cultivated land and not on roofs or parking lots. Only a small portion of solar energy comes from urban areas. This is because it is cheaper to build a ground-mounted solar system than to install solar canopies in parking lots. Furthermore, it is easier to manage one large solar park than a hundred small solar carports scattered across urban areas.
But lately both governments and corporations are realizing that undeveloped land is a rapidly dwindling resource. And that it is better to use them to grow food, protect wildlife, store water, prevent erosion than to cover them with solar panels. Furthermore, with the development of intelligent controllers, it is becoming increasingly simple to manage many small solar canopies remotely. But the key thing is that it is more efficient to generate energy close to end users, that is, to have solar plants in the city.